General News
PURPLE RAIN – Screens April 28th at the B&B Tower Wentzville 12
In honor of Prince, B&B Theatres will be showing Purple Rain this Thursday, April 28 at 4pm and 7pm on the B&B Grand Screen at the B&B Wentzville Tower 12 (100 Wentzville Bluffs Dr, Wentzville, MO 63385) . Tickets are just $5. Celebrate this icon’s legacy in a communal experience on one of the biggest screens in the nation.

Rock star Prince plays a headstrong, vulnerable young musician known as “the kid.” He struggles with his own psyche and family pressures of an alcoholic father who beats his mother. He sees his father’s madness infecting both his music and his own personal life. MPAA Rating: R

Check out the trailer for PURPLE RAIN: