
‘Star Wars: The Clone Wars’ Debuts October 3rd! – We Are Movie Geeks


‘Star Wars: The Clone Wars’ Debuts October 3rd!

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A lot of people undeservedly dumped on this fun little piece of Star Wars lore which was introduced to us a few weeks back as a feature film, but I was impressed, and can’t wait for the show.   The show I think will excel even further than the film and should be full of plenty of action and Star Wars stories.   Anyways, this will air originally on Cartoon Network and then re-air on TNT at a later date, and in glorious HD as well!   Keep an eye out for this, even if you were down on the movie, as I think the series will still suprise you!   Tune in October 3rd!   All details here.

I am a mid 20's film lover that spends his money on film and DVD/Blu-Ray's. I enjoy writing creatively when I can and reviewing films has become a new passion for me in the last year or so. I am also a big Cardinals fan and can be found playing Softball multiple nights a week when in season. I hope you like my opinion, and that's great if you don't, we need less sheep in this world.