
I HATE – Short Film Review – We Are Movie Geeks

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I HATE – Short Film Review

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What do you hate? Think carefully before answering. You may find that the very things you think you hate are not quite what they seem. Edoardo L’Astorina’s 6-minute dramatic short film I HATE (2011) dares to propose this question, this reflection of what it is to hate, and does so with a respectable flair.

I HATE is written and directed by L’Astorina, whom also produced and provided the music for the film. Clare Latham plays Gloria, a disturbed young woman with a great deal of hatred in her heart. The story presents itself in an experimental fashion. Gloria stands before darkness, clad in a dark leather jacket, smoking a cigarette. Gloria evokes a sort of Denis Leary essence, without the humor, speaking with conviction about all the different types of women she hates.

The style of the film consists entirely of close-ups, with varying angles and perspectives, sharp color and contrast against the black void Gloria stands before. The editing by Robbie Gibbon is particularly strong, jarring and at a pace that encourages the subtlest release of adrenaline. I HATE makes a point to be in the viewer’s face, forcing them to watch and listen to Gloria’s hatred, her pain, her angst. This is an intimate film, a confession.

Charlie Jones serves as cinematographer, confident but not as definitively strong as I would like to have seen. I HATE is an experimental, emotional piece that deserves a ferociously edgy visual element. This is something sound designer David Pringle has managed to convey with a slightly more profound result. As I experienced the film, I found myself far more compelled by the use of ambient and ethereal soundscapes, which allowed the images to speak with more force.

Clare Latham’s performance carries enough range to sell the varying stereotypical characters, culminating in a twist ending that brings the message of I HATE to fruition. While the film starts out feeling a bit like an artsy public service announcement, in the short 6-minute time frame L’Astorina’s vision evolves into something more like a moodier Levi’s commercial, but benefits from an actual point-of-view and purpose.

Check out DendelionBlu to learn more about the filmmaker.

Hopeless film enthusiast; reborn comic book geek; artist; collector; cookie connoisseur; curious to no end