
GREEN LANTERN Could Have a Strong Sinestro to Contend With – We Are Movie Geeks


GREEN LANTERN Could Have a Strong Sinestro to Contend With

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See what I did there?  It’s looking like Mark Strong’s time in the role of a comic book villain might just be getting started.  MTV got a chance to speak with EDGE OF DARKNESS and GREEN LANTERN director Martin Campbell.  According to Campbell, the rumors of Jackie Earle Haley slapping on the purple makeup to play the film’s villain Sinestro are false and SHERLOCK HOLMES villain Mark Strong could very well be.

The exact phraseology Campbell used was “in negotiations,” so you know that could mean anything, but his name is definitely in there.  The fact that the director behind the film is revealing this fact puts Strong’s name on a rather short list of candidates for the part.

As much as I love Mark Strong and am ecstatic by the recent success he is gathering, I would like to see him take on more roles than villains of these comic book and comic book-style adventure movies.  His next role after playing the villainous Lord Blackwood in SHERLOCK HOLMES will be to play Mob boss Frank D’Amico in KICK-ASS.  He will also be playing Sir Godfrey, who I can only assume is a villain, in Ridley Scott’s ROBIN HOOD film later in the year.

GREEN LANTERN is set for release on June 17th, 2011.