
Ahh, Remember… ‘Howard the Duck’ – We Are Movie Geeks


Ahh, Remember… ‘Howard the Duck’

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We Movie Geeks have been talking a lot lately about movies based on comic books, but there’s one I really enjoy that hasn’t been mentioned. Yep… that’s the one. ‘Howard the Duck’ (1986) is based on a Marvel Comics character. [The character’s original comic book design looked curiously familiar to another cartoon duck.] I first saw this movie on cable when I was a kid and absolutely fell in love with it. Now, some hard-nosed critics out there would have you believe this is a terrible movie, but I dispute that. Granted, the film’s no award winner… unless you count the three Razzies the movie won in 1987 for Worst Screenplay, Worst Visual Effects and the ultimate glory, Worst Picture! I’m sorry, but there’s many movies out there that are far worse and far less enjoyable than my buddy Howard!

‘Howard the Duck’ was written and directed by Willard Huyck, who has worked as a writer in the past on The Devil’s 8, American Graffiti and Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. The duck named Howard, from a far off egg-shaped planet of ducks, was actually played by six different actors. His arch-nemesis is a greedy scientist named Dr. Walter Jenning who becomes host to an evil alien invader known as the Dark Overlord, is played by a pre-child pornography obsessed Jeffrey Jones (Ferris Bueller’s Day Off).

Howard makes friends with a group of teens who help to protect and hide him from Dr. Cleveland and the government who wish to capture and study him. Howard becomes smitten with the attractive young Beverly (Lea Thompson). Phil, played by a young Tim Robbins, is Dr. Jenning’s assistant and Beverly’s friend who helps them elude his enemies. Howard just wants to go home after he was suddenly snatched from his home world and transported by a botched experiment, but his journey home becomes far more dangerous when Dr. Jenning finally metamorphoses into the true incarnation of the Dark Overlord.

Sure, we’re not talking ILM quality special effects here [by the way, this was produced by Mr. Lucas himself] … but, the movie is tons of fun and offers some sincere laughs. I still think Howard is super cool and can’t wait for the DVD! No, for now you’ll have to settle with either an old worn-out VHS copy [if you can find one] or a PAL format DVD from Europe, if you’ve got the hardware to play it… However, hope is not lost! While no date, or even official rumors, have been spotted online for an “official” DVD release there are other sources.

Hopeless film enthusiast; reborn comic book geek; artist; collector; cookie connoisseur; curious to no end