
Review: ‘Bone Sickness’ on DVD – We Are Movie Geeks

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Review: ‘Bone Sickness’ on DVD

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Every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings, but every time you watch ‘Bone Sickness,’ an angel gets set on fire.

I wanted to love this movie, to rally behind it and sing its praises, but I just can’t.

Someone, I can’t remember specifically, compared this to the zombie works of Fulci. Yikes, man, not even close. Not at all. The only thing Fulci’s work has in common with Brain Paulin’s ‘Bone Sickness,’ is that there are zombies, and the zombies eat people.

I have a deep appreciation for independent cinema, even the no-budget variety, but there is one thing I cannot abide: Boring movies. This movie is boring beyond your wildest dreams, mostly due to a very threadbare screenplay. The actors are game, but they aren’t at a level where they can lift the material out of the gutter.

I’ve given this film the rating of one star, and that one star is for the FX work, which is pretty outstanding when considering the budget this film must have had to work with.

No-budget filmmakers would do well to find inspiration in this film’s technical execution, just make sure you watch it on fast-forward.

I cannot stress the importance of an engaging, well-written screenplay. Great movies begin their life as great screenplays. If you want to know the ingredients, then check out this book.

Instead of watching ‘Bone Sickness,’ let me recommend George Romero’s ‘Night of the Living Dead.’ There isn’t nearly as much gore, but there is one hell of a script, deftly executed by the talents of an assured director. Follow this link to Youtube, where you can watch the entire film.

[rating: 1/5]

Born in Illinois. Living in California. I contribute to this site, as well as Campus Circle.